From: Lynn Videka
To: D.J. Keenan
Cc: John H Reilly; Adrienne D Bonilla
Sent: 31 August 2007 18:48
Subject: Confidential correspondence
Attach: Misconduct_Policy_June_2007_(2)  Notification letter to D Keenan

Dear Mr. Keenan:

The attached letter informs you of the status of the University at
Albany's response to your earlier communication.  It also apprises you
of mandatory policy and procedural requirements including the
requirement of confidentiality. 

Please contact me if you have any questions about this matter.


Lynn Videka

Lynn Videka
Vice President for Research and
Distinguished Service Professor, School of Social Welfare
University at Albany-State University of New York
University Hall, 307
Albany, NY 12222
(518) 956-8170
Secretary: Terri Casey at the above number